Org News

How supporters like you make a greater impact through Thrivent Choice Dollars

You change lives. It’s thanks to your support that more people have a place to call home. A sanctuary to find peace. A place to gather with family and friends. Now, you can make an even greater impact by taking advantage of programs like Thrivent Choice Dollars.

Aeon supporters like you are increasing their support to create more homes in this community. The Thrivent Choice Program encourages members to direct their Thrivent Choice Dollars to organizations like Aeon. For Duayne and Dianne Malewicki, using their Thrivent Choice dollars to support affordable homes felt like a win-win situation.  

“As former teachers, we have seen how important it is to have a place to hang your hat. But because we are retired, we don’t have an employer to match our gifts. The Thrivent Choice program gives us a new way to make a greater impact,” they shared.

“Homelessness is a worldwide problem. We want to help Aeon meet their goals to provide affordable homes in any way we can.”

Duayne and Dianne Malewicki

The Malewickis attended their first Aeon Beyond Bricks & Mortar fundraising breakfast eight years ago. The couple didn’t know much about Aeon before the breakfast. By the time the event was over, Duayne and Dianne had joined Aeon’s Cornerstone Society and were fully invested in helping Aeon achieve its mission.

“We were inspired to become donors after hearing from residents who struggled to find a home ꟷ people who were brave enough to stand in front of hundreds of people to share their stories on behalf of the Aeon community.”

Today, the Malewickis are grateful to have opportunities to make more of a difference. And you can be too!If you are a Thrivent member and are interested in member programs such as Thrivent Choice, visit their website today.